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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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3 hours ago, IcyBlackDeep said:

Like others I strongly disagree with your first paragraph, but I mostly agree with the conclusions you've drawn.

I think Evo does pretty well for commentary already.  There's a bit of politicking there, but for the most part they can have their pick of the litter, and they pay their commentators (at least for main games).  People being able to be semi-pro commentators for sure helps get some of them to level up.


The odd exception are smaller games.  You can have a game like Pokken that probably has 100 serious players in the whole country*, yet they have really good commentary running off of pure passion.



*Probably.  I haven't counted.

Yeah I was clearly wrong about that. I learned something new today and will just add that to my understanding for the future. For me personally, I dunno I don't think I enjoy fighting games so much as a genre as other people do. So for me, and the people I interact with, watching videos is a purely academic thing, watching to improve or learn things. I don't particularly enjoy that at all. I'm not 100% sure if others that I know do or don't, maybe they do enjoy just watching, but I always got the feeling they watched to learn only.

What I do enjoy is applying stuff and actually playing the games, and the social aspect involved in that too. You'd honestly probably have to pay me to actually sit down and watch videos as a spectator though, I'd much rather be watching NBA games or a TV show I enjoy etc. But different people find entertainment in different things, I was completely unaware that there were people that enjoyed just watching fighting games just for entertainment, not as competitors etc.

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The only soda I can drink now is diet/zero sugar. 
I buy a lot of the zero sugar powder mixes too. 
carbonated water is hit or miss to me. Usually miss. Lol

gatorade has a berry Gatorade zero which is the best flavor of any sports drink I’ve had but I can next to never find it. So when I do I buy it in bulk. 


Edited by iStu X
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Nothing can "become" perfection. The statement implies that you aren't perfect now. If you aren't born perfect, you can never become perfect. You can't be flawless if you've possessed flaws.

That makes sense and it can be true, but I don't agree. This seems to be a case where opposing views are both true. 

Edited by Lord Vega
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20 hours ago, HD-Man said:

I thought Team Orochi was canonically dead after 97? My KOF lore is abit rusty 

In KoF14, at the conclusion of the canonical tournament a bunch of dead characters souls were released including Orochi and New Face Team. So technically any character could come back to the roster again in non dream matches.

Likewise, I can't wait to play Shermie. I always thought she was the second best grappler female behind Makoto.

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2 minutes ago, DarkGeneral said:

In KoF14, at the conclusion of the canonical tournament a bunch of dead characters souls were released including Orochi and New Face Team. So technically any character could come back to the roster again in non dream matches.

Likewise, I can't wait to play Shermie. I always thought she was the second best grappler female behind Makoto.

I was always fond of Hinako.

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3 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I would have overdosed on that Pepsi ten years ago. Vitamin and sparkling water is all I drink these days.

Now I just feel bad enjoying this crisp, delicious Dr. Pepper & Cream Soda.

Thanks for ruining this succulent beverage for me, with your health, and your being able to breath properly.

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D. Jaxn's wife has some increasingly strange "holy roller" shit on her instagram, which some youtubers are jumping on lately....


So, now I'm wondering what came first on this situation... perhaps she gradually became more of a frumpy "Holy Roller" type as time went on (*this is likely, since that's just kinda how a lot of black american women are....unfortunately, imo).  Consider the other variables in the mix here---a dude that's still young and in the prime of his life, successful...and with some soap opera caliber looks.  Imagine the temptation thrown at him on a regular basis.  Girls that are 9s and 10s most likely just throwing the pussy at him with little to no real effort... meanwhile the wife at home is continuing to evolve into "Preacher's Wife" super-religious, Ms. No Fun Allowed....the result for disaster with this shit is inevitable, least with most people, I'd say.


Of course the other possible scenario is that she was previously just fine... and this version of her is a result of his cheating shenanigans.  


On another note entirely... y'know, if I had a time machine, one of the main things I'd go back to see in person is how the Statue of Liberty looked when it was new; I bet that looked pretty damn cool in person back then.  This would be my #2 choice though... the top rank would be the great pyramids in Egypt.  I would travel back in time to when the construction was still in progress.

Edited by MillionX
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I don't like the way that my brother is a conspiracy theorist, but it runs in this despicable family. It's no wonder he was banned on facebook with his unsupported claims of vast illnesses, sexualities, and gender identities from vaccines due to his religious beliefs. He's that far gone from logic on the over-estimation of his knowledge and intelligence. It's hard for me to get along with these kinds of people and I'm glad to have embraced a life of obscurity from commoners like him. 

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3 minutes ago, Deadly_Raver said:

last time it was the guys.  This time the girls are getting their say on the derrick jackson confession video.



I know that Million is completely enamored with whatever this debacle is, but, could you please explain it to me, O.O.G. Stormhammer?


Is it a Black Thing?


Because I think Someday came and went already, and I still do not understand.

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9 hours ago, JHDK said:

I know that Million is completely enamored with whatever this debacle is, but, could you please explain it to me, O.O.G. Stormhammer?


Is it a Black Thing?


Because I think Someday came and went already, and I still do not understand.

This is more of a,"He's a raging hypocrite who just got caught with his pants literally down" thing.  It's a black thing in the fact that he's a black guy who was throwing black guys under the bus while pandering to mainly black women. 

"Real men don't cheat" and "Single mothers are for real men only" are but a few of his lines he used to spew out.  Little did the world know that while he was talking all this noise on the mic, he was literally filming some of his videos in the parking lot of the house where one of his side pieces lived.


....................We found that out because she got pregnant and ended up spilling her guts to one of the gossip youtubers, one ms. Tasha K. 


Now, this wouldn't be so big except that for YEARS there have been black men on YouTube who have been saying that Derrick Jackson is a fraud and a simp, but women formed up like Voltron to protect him.  We've been called every name in and out of the book on repeat for years.  "You just mad because you ain't him!"  "you need to quit trying to bring that brother down!" and the most popular song of the last 100 years,"You just can't get no pussy!"   You know, stuff like that.  All of this while carrying their king on their shoulders as an example of what a,"Real man" should be.


Well, he finally met the wrong bitch and her name is Karma.  All he had to do was practice what he preached, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......................  Not him.  He got married and inevitably went after anything in a skirt and high heels.  


Business trip?  Bang a side piece.

Conference in another state?  Bang a side piece.

Wife is in the hospital sick (And this one has been confirmed)  .............Bang a side piece.

The wife is shoping and you see some chick bent over in the alleyway? get the idea.


well, the one chick ended up pregnant.  Of course, the whole thing gets messy and in far less time than it took frieza to blow planet Namek, his whole shady hidden life falls out of the closet and into the streets.  Like I said, when the local gossip mongers and tongue waggers found out they descended upon him in horror movie fashion, each one ready to tear out their pound of flesh to gobble up and sip their proverbial "tea" with.  

..........................And then the bad news hit.


Remember all those brothers he ran down that I mentioned?  Well, quite a few times it was worse than that.  His fans were rabid about their protection and did whatever he wanted, up to and including "Allegedly" mass flagging of people's YouTube channels to get rid of them.  I have no idea how many were run off of YouTube because of it, but I do know there was a hit list that got leaked some time back.  I'm sure it wasn't ALL because of him, but I'd bet my house that a few scalps were claimed in his name.  Well, the tables have turned something fierce now haven't they?  These same ladies who fought so hard to protect him have now had the darkness ripped violently from their eyes and the light of truth falls upon them without mercy.  Now, in full view of everyone, stands their false king exposed after all these years.  Have a good look ladies.  that is the man you were protecting.  He was your shining prince.  Now you see that the armor is covered in filth and that horse he rode on was actually two fat chicks with a cosplay saddle.  You've been lied to for years and worst of all....................................We told you so.  


Listening to the chaos in the wake of it all has been vindication a long time coming.  The silence from the other side is deafening.  They can't say anything now.  The Dark Lord of the Simps has been exposed.  He is a giant hypocrite literally and they have no choice but to face that fact.


Within the all-concealing shadows I sit and watch with a smile on my face because I know that this is not the end...........but the beginning.  The beginning of a long and painful road of payback that mr. jackson will have to travel with all the demons he has accumulated over the years riding on his back.  At long last that journey now begins.



Edited by Deadly_Raver
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18 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Cherry anything is disgusting 

Only thing worst than Cherry Coke is Cherry Pepsi. 
And Cherry Soda's taste like Cherry medicine 

thats cuz they dont add any vanilla custard. when you add a warm decadent dessert flavor to cherry, it smooths out the cherry and takes away from that cough syrup taste.

i know cuz i use to diy nic vape juices. try adding vanilla tasting to anything cherry. youll see.

Edited by PussyStuffer
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1 hour ago, Lord Vega said:

I don't really care if I get banned from this place. This place is hypocritical. You got people who post Satanic stuff, but posting things about God is not allowed. Satan is also a religious topic. Why is that given a pass? This place is stupid as fuck and I don't mind getting banned from it.

I don't know what Satanic stuff you're talking about, but if you're gonna keep randomly posting about religion even when you know you shouldn't, then I'll ban you like you're asking me to.


I've tried to be fair and give you lots of chances -- see you around.

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Man, that Memphis sound is fuckin terrible, man (**edit--she's actually in Birmingham, AL, but sounds pure M-town to me, like she probably spent a lot of time growing up there and the family moved at some point to Alabama)... I'm still finishing up Sotomayor's stream from last night highlighting this hoodrat that caused a car accident that killed another woman, and of course she went on instagram to yell and brag about various things.  She somehow made bond but a day later after her instagram rants they apparently revoked that shit...anyway, goddamn her voice is horrible.  I grew up hearing people that speak like this all the is, without question, THE  most unappealing dialect of all....straight up bottom-rank garbage, imo.  The stream is currently "unlisted"; I think I can only still see it because I never left the page...(ha, fell asleep with it on last night)


One might take that with a grain of salt though; I'm that bizarro muthafucka that actually likes Fran Drescher's voice that everyone else hates, so there ya go.


What is this thing where women are apparently not ashamed to be seen in public with that "Jiffy Pop Popcorn bag" on their head?  What the hell, man?  There was once a time where most probably would've been embarrassed to be seen with that on; that's an "at home" kinda thing.  haha someone in the chat mentioned it makes her momma look like a Goomba from Super Mario Bros. 🤣

Edited by MillionX
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I love how Derrick Jaxn built his whole brand around throwing men under the bus as a relationship "guru". Now dude might have to work a regular job. There's other things he could, in theory, pivot to. He is fit and handsome, so maybe he could do fitness. But only the dumbest of the dumb will still listen to him give relationship advice. He'll still have an audience, but that bag will be a fraction of what it was.

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