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Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.

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3 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

@SkortWell it goes back even much before forums...

First time i touched a Street Fighter game was SF2:WW coin-op at bars, i think in 1991 as 8yo kid

Now i'm a 38yo man waiting SF6 lol


On 6/7/2022 at 3:34 AM, CESTUS III said:

Eh, i'll be 40 when game release and Capcom is trolling me with that fucking Marisa, don't search empathy in this old cynical man 🤣


2 days in a row in a week trying to post claim an age all of a sudden, after all this years in a different forum. it's like trying to made an impression and authority to pretend like a veteran all of a sudden haha 


Even would resort to made up things that the creative industry and design don't work that way.


A cestus with poser and manipulative tendencies to gatekeep other and impose authority lol



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Cestus is a poser that tends to gatekeep others opinion and pretends to be an authority on character design.


The guy tends to pose and made up arguments and even made up stories about me that he even doesn't know me in the SFV character anticipation thread because of losing an argument.


Don't hesitate to criticize this guy even he used the "I am a character designer card so your automatically wrong" . The guy can't even hold his stand and opinions late on.  And most of his character design process were wrong. 


He has a fragile ego and a liar.


I do have a real background on character design and animation. and this guy is just echoing things or pretending to know.


His just doing what BigMex does throwing references and that's not how character design works easily. You guys can do the same.


FUN FACT cestus was no guy part of the original story thread, his a person into SF4 and Soul Calibur Series. that's why his most like an echo chamber. 


And the second oldest part of thread that is still left. The guy was just there for SSF4 and starts to gatekeep others. 


This guy has narcistic that why all of a sudden he acts of somekind of a gatekeeper authority on this thread. 



This is how the person argue

1 hour ago, CESTUS III said:

We're not returned at levels of you accusing random people of be my "allies" or "fans" or to organize secret strategies against you (meds must work), but still rent free apparently, without even wanting to live there while at it


Read all my Street Fighter posting shit dear shitunetsu, i'm sure one day you will find a weak point and THAT DAY oh boy, CHECKMATE, you will do an hell of a post and your life will have a meaning 👌


But till that day please, be nice and don't quote me, i don't need your notifications and you should not either, unless you want to further proof the need of a specialist wich is bit a Pulcinella's secret, gracefully keept by old srk crowd silence lol


I said multiple times will ignore your posts (like i do, wich indeed forced you to spam quote button lol) and will not reply to don't bother other people, and honestly also because troll you became boring quickly even back then

You're just some guy with issues on other side of the world, roast you does'nt enrich my day in any way, actually write this post just stole me time and pollute a discussion that's supposed to be about SF with your paranoia shit


I will not respond to whatever shit you're going to reply, i'm not interested and nobody else is

If possible just do it without quote button lol




cestus fu!k you


YOUR an asshole jerk you lose an argument on Sagat in character anticipation thread then tries to made up stories about me even I don't know him personally in real life. 


Like pretending to be an authority in character design. When the your just doing the same thing like me and Big Mex does and that isn't even character design.


Your always been in the CHECK MATE STATUS and owned by me in SRK threads. lol


His Bulsh!t claims

-like Jin Saotome being debut in MVC2. LOL

-claiming to hate playing SFXT because Ryu doesn't have a donkey kick. LOL

-Copy Paste Animation of SF4 Dan animation to Kage and using a mod to justify a claims that how animation works. LOL

-and alot more.


-Pretending as a character designer but all he does is referencing like Big mex and everyone else does. to justify his personal preference and biases. That's not how character design works lol. 


Atleast I could disect and been informative how things work in srk thread and why you are wrong but now I not going to be informative to keep dumb and echoing the same stuff that is wrong all over. because your LEARNING FROM ME. LOL



1 hour ago, CESTUS III said:

38yo man, some of wich passed on SF forums apparently living rent free inside the head of some crazy filipino weirdo with chronical ass burns that believe i'm his nemesis or something lmao 🤣


  Fucking loser and racist lol. I'm sure that's you in REAL LIFE.


Typical PROJECTION haha


What the hell being a filipino even relate to this non sense. You just hate criticism.


I don't consider you as a rival because your the one that tries to bait me most of the time in the thread like acting opposite then later on changing claims. 



That's how you handle the argument in character anticipation thread when I lose from someone LEGIT. So I will expose you every now and then HAHA





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I personally have an issue with that guy for years now. because he lose an argument with me in a character thread topic in SRK.

He called me someone who has no idea what character design UNLIKE HIM and made stories that I'm this guy in real life.

lol I don't even know him personally or attack him personally other than his claim. He likes to gatekeep.


I myself has a background on character design, animation and art direction. So after that I'm quoting some of his wrong claims about Character Design when he pretends to be an authority to others. Even wrong claims like Jin Saotome debut, Rant on SFXT Ryu lacking donkey kick and etc. The guy hates to be pointed with his claims wrong and made claims.


Cestus is came to srk in SSF4 era. His not an old veteran.

I have been in the original 1st storythread and I am second oldest guard left even before HD REMIX.


I know what he is up to why his pretending to be a 38 year like an old veteran in story thread to gate keep others with what he likes and impose it. His just here for his NARCISTIC SUPPLY.


Don't you find the character design argument of that guy CRINGE and REDUNDANT like always acting as an authority and a gatekeeper. his just echoing old stuff from others and mine.


Don't let the "I'm a character designer card" argument silence you when his losing an argument. Or a "Im a character designer so what I like you should like too" argument. The guy is pretentious and fraud that's not how character design argument works. Big Mex is doing that and everyone


I myself is character designer and from years I interact on arguments I never used that argument to be automatically right or just used references from other similar popular things then claim that's right so therefore character design. That's the usual Cestus template argument.


He just someone that joined the story thread in SSf4 era. I'm the second old guard that is left in the storythread. I WAS EVEN THERE BEFORE HD REMIX.


I purposely quote his age so he can't ignore even he suddenly claim to be around 30 or something later. His staging an authority.



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2 hours ago, misterBee said:

He's having a battle with CESTUS in the story thread but he accidentally posted in here.

Tbh old srk people would confirm (or would not, and i don't blame them for not wanting be involved  in this crap lol) it's years that 99% of the times i even stopped reply to the crazy guy, literally did't even read his last reply nor i plan to do it lol


That's one more reason i stopped reply , people that don't know the whole thing tend to assume both parts are involved lol, if you go read guy literally have one of his paranoia moments over me telling my age while talking with somebody else, and posted that shit on both threads to be sure as many as possible see his last little mental breakdown


Really you can go read, post are there 🤣


I can't prevent him to do this shit nor i care much to, all i can do is what i've been already doing for years lol

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49 minutes ago, misterBee said:

@Shakunetsu@CESTUS III


I don't have time to really get to the bottom of this, so just...tolerate each other and keep things peaceful, for the sake of everyone else.




The guy I ego problems and pretentious issue, Blatant Lier that's why quoted his age.


I find it funny he start posting his character SC thread from years ago from another forum. then start pretending all of a sudden authority among people then posting age twice in a row in a week. He never posted that in SRK both the SC thread and his CLAIM to be age. I don't know if that is some kind of positioning himself for his narcistic supply.


Cestus is a cry baby, He can't hold arguments and will resort to making up stories and attack you personally. To invalidate your opinion. He hates being pointed out wrong or being contradicted.


I have been in several general SFV threads SRK and cestus wasn't even in one of those, cestus is exclusive to character threads and storythread in sfv. I am a regular and cestus is someone randomly appears here. I don't have issue with the guys on those threads.

I had been in HD REMIX era and cestus was from SSF4 era. I am part of the original storythread before the new batch of the storythread that is now, In fact i'm the 2nd longest that still left. He wasn't even there.


I have never been in argument in previous storythread with anyone until Cestus came because of his gatekeeping act and if he loses, he starts calling me no nothing of what he is saying in the character thread and i'm no one who knows character design. So after that I'm calling him up with made up stuff and wrong things.


Because I myself is character designer, I wasn't even revealing that before but I need to and I never used that argument to shutdown others arguments or impose an authority like cestus does.


We already had a argument like a week ago about Goenitz and Color combination in the megashock storythread, before this argument the way he argue is always personal or made up stories like about me this in real life or something and now about being a filipino?  


The guy even pissed out pointing wrongs like Ryu missing a Donkey Kick in SFXTK, so I corrected it that Ryu has.


@misterBeeI can assure a non-personal argument against with the cestus, but him nah the cestus  can't. 


He even was an Xkira-asslicker 


Edited by Shakunetsu
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I've been thinking a bit about the parry mechanic and I wonder how it'll be implemeneted. For starters, will you be able to use it while holding back and therefore minimize the risk to basically 0 or does the input require a neutral state of the stick? I also find it a bit odd that there's no risk to trying the perfect parry because you can just press and hold the buttons, so if you're too early with your attempt you just get the auto parry instead. Which results in a lesser reward and more meter usage but overall not a bad deal.


From what I understand some people will be able to play it this week. Really looking forward to the feedback of some of the more knowledgeable players in that group and what they can take from the system mechanics in this early stage.

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This is not the first time with argue in MEGASHOCK his the one bringing SRK issue, check the 1st spoiler.


The guy hates criticism and disagreement brings up the past and instead of attacking the argument he would resort to bring SRK stuff and tries to invalidate opinion and disagreement by creating drama and cry for help from other to save his ass


I didn't even quoted him or tag his name here in the beginning.

As a Designer and handle art direction he labels my disagreement with color scheme opinion some kind of a smart ass shittalk

This is how cestus handle disagreement against an opinion:




On 3/24/2022 at 1:13 AM, CESTUS III said:

Yeah i'm talking strickly about color scheme (not only hair, the red pants choice was also strong but not necessary successful)


If we go on design/stylization choice we go open another can of worms lol


On 3/24/2022 at 2:15 AM, Shakunetsu said:

When did Blue and Yellow, Blue and Red or Red and Yellow became a terrible color scheme combination those were primary that has good contrast to each other and works always in harmony this are basic stuff.  Unless people are making stuff up. Haha


Those were even essential color combination that were reused over time from anime, comics and even flags because of being effective and its even one of the basics 101 understanding how color works. LOL


The only thing that would make Blue not fit to those combination is if its messing up the already establish color brand, ip or iconic dominant color palette of that character thats equivalent to changing the main dominant color of Luigi which has already a strong establish character identity not just a video game character but his pop culture identity. 

On 3/24/2022 at 2:32 AM, CESTUS III said:

List the three couples combinations wich was never said to be the problem, but rather the solution lmao

Feeling bad for people that can't even read stuff they try shitpost about


Could explain even why the couple works and the trio is weak, but time would be wasted unless somebody actual worthy ask why lol


@everyone, as we did back to SRK i successfully avoided any contact with Shitunetsu and will continue to do so despite no ignore function, consider this just exception because poor guy tried to smart ass shittalk and end up having to eat his own dump lol


Nothing to see here, move on SFV story or whatever else 🤣



On 3/24/2022 at 4:41 AM, Shakunetsu said:

Clearly you don't understand how the BASIC of COLOR COMBINATION works if you see the three combine is a terrible combination or hard to work with HAHA


I clearly state of all of them being together not just the two of them LOL


I'm the one that avoided you here in the beginning and never called you up as soon as you flood the thread to annoy and you even tag a dummy troll account in your early post here to ally you that did send me tons of annoying messages before in SRK, Discord and even here which I purposely ignore


And I didn't bring anything about SRK here nor mentioned about SRK issue but this ONE IS BASIC STUFF for god sakes, It's not a personal attack or something that is to bringing a past argument. You can continue to argue a in a right way and persist that those THREE combination doesn't work while prove me wrong BUT YOU CAN'T because you realize your wrong and your making things up, So you resort to this clownery and sh!tposting immediately


If you don't know what you talk about you just move on or ignore if you can't agree. This are basic norm in a forum clearly I didn't even tag you or quote you I'm just pointing out an obvious wrong that were CLEARLY BASIC and FACTUAL things about those three COLORS here but you can't deal with a proper way and always hate criticism.


Speaking of SRK, Your always been a PSEUDO INTELLECTUAL that always resort into making stuff up or using jargons that you have heard from me and others which sometime you have no idea of what your talking about other than using those words and terms to gatekeep others or to make people agree on what you want. Until I engage with you to point out your errors that I notice that are made up stuff and those misused. 


But you hate criticism and correction because it destroys the FACADE OF SUPERIOR PERSONALITY YOUR TRYING TO IMPLY onto others. So you failed countless times against me that the more you reason out the more it show your don't understand the more you resort to make up things. So it just stacks up that you end up pretending to ignore you but do still answer and response to my arguments of pointing your wrongs and misinformation because you can't handle your own ego. So it backfires regardless of you hiding. You can't even stand in your claims about how things work and just changing depending on the person you want to ally with. lol


I have been in 2 generation of decade of STORYTHREAD and in fact one of the two person that has been the longest part in the STORYTHREAD that remains active today. Your the first one from the 3RD generation that I have an issue with because of you can't handle criticism from made up stuff that you persist.

I won't stomp down onto your level of clownery, that result to either made up or insults. It reflects the loser of you and you lost this one again because you failed to know the basic. I even purposely did explain this in a layman approach without complicating it by just giving simple examples like FLAGS even they are BASIC because I know your PSEUDO INTELLECTUAL





On 3/24/2022 at 4:50 AM, CESTUS III said:

And that will help anybody was'nt old guard srk understand why i will ignore the douchebag lol 🤣  



Anybody else wanting discuss character design, no problem will be a pleasure, me threating him like shit and ignore his posts is hilarious method we needed back to old forum


On 3/24/2022 at 5:06 AM, Shakunetsu said:


Oh FIRST you want to be IGNORE of your rant But brings up an unrelated discourse that I clearly moved on, because you can't deal with proper arguments

FIRST you ask to be IGNORE then now your CRYING FOR ATTENTION because of criticism and argument regarding 3 color combination? As usual crybaby fragile ego cestus. Looks like your the one that is weak not the 3 color combination.


Your always QUICK TO EAT YOUR OWN WORDS as usual and contradicting yourself. What surprises me that now it's faster and only took just two comments. 


AND Hey I AM THE 2ND most active and oldest in the bunch of old guard of the storythread and my arguments begins with you after all my years being in story threads. 



And Nah, Your TRASH you just hate proper and right criticism, Because it destroys the superficial FACADE OF SUPERIORITY AND AUTHORITY YOUR TRYING TO IMPLY onto others. 


I have been in multiple creative forums but your someone stuck here in story thread that can tolerate your pretentions because your PSEUDO INTELLECTUAL type reasoning  that can easily be destroyed and the fake impression you want with other people that why you need to befriend or discredit others instead with made up stuff instead dealing with their arguments.


I explained as LAYMAN way here as possible because you have so much difficulty working and understanding with those three color combination that might be a can of worms things to you to think about. Clearly I have move on with any conflicts but your the one that RESORT QUICKLY to old discourse that makes you a LOSER. LOL


Lol, Those three combination were WEAK? You don't know how basics things works? I have already give layman examples to you refer and terms, yet I like to keep PSEUDO INTELLECTUALS as dumb and pretentious as usual so they are easy to spot on. HAHA





Cestus hates Mahvel Games and called it's gameplay trash.  He even claim Jin saotome debut was MVC2 and hated being pointed out wrong, you don't even see this guy in any MVC threads or talked about MVC, XVS and etc. This guy is an SF4 guy mostly and talked a lot of SF4 then you can only see him appreciate SF3 art.


I don't even think this guy is 38, his more like just recently into sf because of sf4 then just started learning because of staying in the storythread. 


Cestus baiting smart ass shittalk:

The thread is locked I cannot quote i





Even in MVCi, I was protesting in SRK to make his Hadouken as good as it was in UMVC3. because it was terrible in that game unlike in UMVC3 they made it atleast have special properties. And they even introduce the deflecting projectile during advancing guard lol. - SHAKUNETSU


As total scrub that play bit everybody but have Ryu as fav character and never complained about Ryu sucking, my 2cents is that problem is they show (and admit at times) to have bias that seem to work as opposite of balancement, i mean shit like "we want that character to be strong" or see them being ultra triggered when a char they seem to dislike seems "too good" while some others get free pass to stay high tier


But again, that's outsider point of view, as at my level (and at maaaaaany people level, even if they would not admit it lol) the tier list is pretty much theoric stuff that barely touch our level of play and world would be better place if we were not allowed to see it lmao - CESTUS



What BALANCEMENT? The issue here is not about being a better Ryu player or relying to his other option. This is not an SFV or SF4 specific.


It's not about being STRONG it's about being VIABLE because the guy was pointing not about specifically in SFV or SF4. 


The guy on the video is specifically pointing out that Hadouken used to be Ryu's effective primary tool not being viable anymore in modern capcom fighting games.


This is not a subject of if his terrible of the projectile, go with his other advantage like tatsu or shoryu. problem solve thing.


It's like if Zangief grappling special doesn't work anymore it used to be because many have change in trends. That's the level of argument the guy is pointing out about the projectile game of Ryu, not about TIER.



I'm not posting anything new reference, but I'm always a head even from new SF merchandise and crossover titles. I was even always the first to post games like SF Duel  any many obscure stuff than those that spread it on twitter and eventhubs. I do collect merch and into retro gaming.


I just doesn't take it seriously nowadays to update anyone with new news anymore.


This guy thinking i do see him like a nemesis or some sort might be dreaming.  Because his just a portion of what a bit a i am. All he does is reference on character similaries and call it character design lol.


I'm pretty sure his projecting himself to me when he tries to make stories when losing arguments,


Even calling me out with being Filipino. And making up stories that I am a guy in the computer that don't know anything about what his talking about because of losing an argument. That the first time I eye this for mistake.


Being a Filipino in a creative industry is an advantage if you love what you are doing. Especially if your in Metro Manila because it's like the Silicone valley or California equivalent in the Philippines haha. You can easily be part of many hobby communities because it is a small area but not as small like Singapore. 


Many big brand outsource here so we get to experience and understand the branding. The only problem here is wage compare to other countries but premium experience with big brands is just a reach if you had experience and talent, even in hobbies.


Even if I retire in the Storythread, I'm more than someone in the Storythread unlike him being cringe being the pretend to be character designer lol. 


I'm basically almost knowing everywhere in terms of SF not just the lore area, I'm even a one man doesn't even need to ask help for anyone to lift myself if I would exert effort but I'm not just interested. Unlike him who always as for someone to bail for him. Because I know my shit lmao


Cestus being 5 years late



On 1/17/2022 at 9:49 AM, CESTUS III said:

New little piece for our collection 😄


"As said by director Takayuki Nakayama, in addition to all the nods and references to Hiryu and the Strider series, the Street Fighter V newcomer Zeku also adopts references to Osman* as a way to "pay respect" to the game, recognizing it as a spiritual successor of Strider[11][12]. This includes nods in Zeku's young appearance and in techniques named after Kirin and Teki**, among others."


*Osman was an arcade game known also as Cannon-Dancer and was considered some sort of spiritual sequel of Strider

**Teki is the name of a mercenary squad the protagonist Kirin is part of


Here visual reference for influence on young Zeku costume design, see that Y.Zeku's forward side only, tight fitting shirt that leave uncovered his back



Fun last thing, he also created ki "blades" with his kicks like Old Zeku does






basically the link now is

On 1/17/2022 at 12:40 PM, Shakunetsu said:

I already did posted Osman reference wayback 2017 that was like five years early


In-fact there were no other mentioned of OSMAN in previous threads other than me.


Zeku feels like OSMAN because of being weaponless, along with the kicks and the Fatal Attack.

OSMAN - is a supposed unofficial sequel to Strider. Which is also directed by Kouichi Yotsui along with many ex-Capcom staff that worked on the original arcade version of Strider.








**Shukumyo**'s command are some kind of similar to Guy's special teleport command that only appeared in the Hyper version of SFA3 in PS2.



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Omg you guys @Shakunetsu@CESTUS III! This is not the kind of negative energy I need in my life right now.

Can we skip to December 2024... Capcom Cup just finished... Luke won the tournament for the second year in a row... The crowd are silent in anticipation of Capcom's S3 reveal... Ominous music starts to play.... A pair of purple glowing eyes pierce the darkness of the room....





Edited by Daemos
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1 hour ago, Volt said:

Shak, you know I ain't quite reading all of that stuff at 7 am, so I got no dog in this race.


However, as a regular of the Lounge, you do know the tradition when it comes to this name.

haha cestush!t  originally disliked thefakeleaker but later on tries to simp him to pissed me on intentionally to bait me to arguments


This is really easy if someone disagree on your claims then defend it instead of going "We are like this in SRK" then shit talk the person because can't handle disagreement.


There are many times that disagree with cestus in recently SFVthreads in megashock and I never mentioned SRK beef or anything or insult him or made up story about him of being an italian to mislead the arguments.


I love italian foods, italian girls, I love Italian art, but cestus projecting himself to me, his likely a sad italian boy in nowhere part of italy trying to be only relevant in a SF thread and that's all about him. It's just even a small portion of me lol

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3 minutes ago, Daemos said:

Omg you guys @Shakunetsu@CESTUS III! This is not the kind of negative energy I need in my life right now.

Can we skip to December 2024... Capcom Cup just finished... Luke won his the tournament for the second year in the row... The crowd are silent in anticipation of Capcom's S3 reveal... Ominous music starts to play.... A pair of purple glowing eyes pierce the darkness of the room....





Your love for Dictator is...really something.  I say this as a Dictator main in multiple games.


And yes, whatever beefs happened in the past are ancient history now.  No more fighting please.  If there are future fights/personal insults/attacks, they should be reported just like everything else.


3 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

Parrys are a sin against humanity and should never be brought back from the depths of hell.

No.  Add them to more games.

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2 hours ago, Daemos said:

Can we skip to December 2024... Capcom Cup just finished... Luke won the tournament for the second year in a row... The crowd are silent in anticipation of Capcom's S3 reveal... Ominous music starts to play.... A pair of purple glowing eyes pierce the darkness of the room....








The crowd goes insane chanting "Home, or the room, or the living room! Home or the room, or the living room!"

James Chen is crying. The hashtag #HomeOrTheRoomOrTheLivingRoomKAGE goes viral.

The rest is history.

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21 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Only real surprise for me is Dee Jay. Honda and Blanka are world warriors. Guile, Juri, and Akuma are popular. After the SFV launch debacle, I think Capcom wanted throw some really popular characters on the launch roster to draw people in from the jump. Akuma and Juri in particular will get a lot people to snatch the game up at launch.  Hell Juri is an instant sale for at least three of our regulars here. You, @AriesWarlockand @FengShuiEnergy

Whoa whoa whoa whoa, slam those brakes to a screeching halt. I love Juri, still do after all these years. HOWEVER....if capcom is gona pull a SFV rework again (gameplay wise) then I'm not on board to pick up this game.

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13 hours ago, JustBrowsing said:

Haha, I remember going on holiday in the mid 90s and not spending any money, so on the last day, I could go into town and buy this


I still remember when my mom bought this for me.


Not just that, but a six button controller as well.


It's like she knew I'd be facing the pain of pausing the game to change the config and wanted to save me from the struggle.

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9 minutes ago, FengShuiEnergy said:

Whoa whoa whoa whoa, slam those brakes to a screeching halt. I love Juri, still do after all these years. HOWEVER....if capcom is gona pull a SFV rework again (gameplay wise) then I'm not on board to pick up this game.

I have no idea what her gameplay will be. I think Jamie's drink mechanic maybe an indicator of what they may do. His move set expands based on the number of drinks he consumes. They may do something similar with Juri as far as her stored moves go.

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4 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I have no idea what her gameplay will be. I think Jamie's drink mechanic maybe an indicator of what they may do. His move set expands based on the number of drinks he consumes. They may do something similar with Juri as far as her stored moves go.

All they have to do is give her old moveset back and expand on that.

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6 hours ago, delete_me said:

I've been thinking a bit about the parry mechanic and I wonder how it'll be implemeneted. For starters, will you be able to use it while holding back and therefore minimize the risk to basically 0 or does the input require a neutral state of the stick? I also find it a bit odd that there's no risk to trying the perfect parry because you can just press and hold the buttons, so if you're too early with your attempt you just get the auto parry instead. Which results in a lesser reward and more meter usage but overall not a bad deal.

I'm beginning to wonder if these drive system mechanics will take priority over blocking since a lot of them use buttons. SFV made it a point to block like you mean it, especially compared to SF4. Removing things like crouch tech and momochi os. 


My speculations are that the regular parry will be really easy and have a huge window of "active" frames to parry a move whereas the perfect parry might be really tight, similar to red parry in 3s (approximately 1-2 frames) or iB in Strive (2 frames).

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Just now, Reticently said:

I highly doubt parry will be active on frame 1 of the stance anyway.  Capcom's been careful about making sure Alex's VT1 isn't frame 1 active all this time, so they must agree that it's a bad look for gameplay.

The only thing I know about SF6 parries is that the Perfect Parry has a 3F window. I think it was Max that frame counted it. I want to see gameplay to be sure, but based on how tight that timing is, I wouldn't be surprised you got all your gauge back for a Perfect Parry. IIRC Parries in SF3 had a 7 or 8F window.

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18 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The only thing I know about SF6 parries is that the Perfect Parry has a 3F window. I think it was Max that frame counted it. I want to see gameplay to be sure, but based on how tight that timing is, I wouldn't be surprised you got all your gauge back for a Perfect Parry. IIRC Parries in SF3 had a 7 or 8F window.

Parry window in 3s could have a max of 10 frames if you returned to neutral quick enough. For the hitbox players in current year, this means consistent 10 frame parry windows which is massive and something I'm sure they looked at when bringing back parry for sf6.

Edited by elliephil
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59 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The only thing I know about SF6 parries is that the Perfect Parry has a 3F window. I think it was Max that frame counted it. I want to see gameplay to be sure, but based on how tight that timing is, I wouldn't be surprised you got all your gauge back for a Perfect Parry. IIRC Parries in SF3 had a 7 or 8F window.

The main thing that concerns me with perfect parries is that i hope they don’t use its existence to justify stupid offensive options. Like I don’t want this to turn into a situation where someone like Rashid is apeing in my face and if I can’t perfect parry I’m SOL 

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